Turkey Bacon Buffalo Wrap

Turkey Bacon Buffalo Wrap

Poderosas you know we cant ever go wrong with wraps especially when they are low carb and have buffalo sauce! Lets use our hands and doublle fist that wrap!

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)

10 minutes

Cook Time (Minutes)

5 minutes

Total Time (minutes)

15 minutes


One wrap counts as your protein, veggies, and fat.


Chicken breast of choice

2 turkey bacon




Buffalo Sauce

Parchment paper


You can use any buffalo sauce of choice and just be mindful that is it. You can also add any additional veggies of choice.  This is a low-carb wrap BUT if you want to add a carb serving you can directly add it to your wrap Poderosa.


These are your main ingredients Poderosa. I highly recommend better crunch lettuce leaves because they are very wide. If you do not find these at your local grocery store then use iceberg lettuce.

I cut out the center part of my lettuce so it lays flat on the parchment paper. You will then get your turkey bacon and add.

I got this chicken at Costco and its seriously amazing. I highly recommend Poderosa.

Once you add your cooked chicken breast, add all your veggies of choice.

Now time to get saucy! Add your favorite buffalo sauce!

Tuck, tuck, and make sure you tuck the parchment paper tight. Fold the ends and cut in half with knife.

And just like that Poderosa you have this delicious wrap. Enjoy!

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