Treat Yo'Self Iced Coffee

Treat Yo'Self Iced Coffee

Am I the only one who is addicted to coffee? Because I cannot let go of my caffeine first thing in the morning and midday! If you don't like coffee this recipe will have you on a different level. It gives you the coffee shop feels but on a lighter side. The second this iced coffee hits your taste buds you will be nodding your head saying “ok yes this hits the spot but on a lighter side”.

# of Ingredients

Prep Time (Minutes)

3 min

Cook Time (Minutes)

2 min

Total Time (minutes)

5 min


You can have this recipe 2x a day if you wish.


  1. Cold black coffee (as much as you like)
  2. Sugar free Hershey’s syrup (drizzle around cup)
  3. Sugar free vanilla syrup (a good squeeze)
  4. Unsweetened coconut milk or unsweetened milk of choice (as much as you like)


You can use any unsweetened milk or any other flavor of sugar free syrup.


All you need to do is get some ice, drizzle your chocolate syrup on the inside of the cup, add your black coffee, add your milk, squeeze some sugar free vanilla syrup, and give it a good shake. I hope you enjoy this recipe til the last gulp.


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