The Spicy Detox

The Spicy Detox

Let's spice it up first thing in the morning with this detox drink. But you have been warned, it might boost up your bowel movement first thing in the morning but hey that's never a bad thing. This spicy detox drink is great on those days we are feeling extra constipated. Give it a shot and let your body show you the detoxification.

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)


Cook Time (Minutes)


Total Time (minutes)



Consume the entire serving on an empty tummy at least 30 minutes before breakfast.


  1. ½ peeled cucumber
  2. ½ green apple
  3. Quarter size peeled ginger root
  4. ½ jalapeno
  5. 1 celery stick
  6. 6-8 ounces of water



Detoxes are always straightforward and to the point. These are the main ingredients for the detox. If you like, take out the seeds from the jalapeno so it doesn't come out too spicy. I suggest you use actual ginger root instead of the powder. All you do is get all of your ingredients put in a blender and blend for at least 1 minute. Do not juice your ingredients. 

And just like that you have your Spicy Detox drink Poderosas. Give it a try. 

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