Las Moradas

Las Moradas

This is one of those recipes that I always get asked about and to be honest, you need these in your life for every meal. These cebollas curtidas are so easy to make and very delicious. Would you believe me if I said there's only 3 ingredients? Get ready and brace yourself!

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)

5 minutes

Cook Time (Minutes)

1 minute

Total Time (minutes)

6 minutes


You can have all the onions you like. no Limit


2 purple onion

6 lemons



You can use other colored onions for this recipe but truth is the purple onion are so delicious when made this way.


Here are your main ingredients. Like I said very easy and only 3 ingredients to work with.
You will get both of your purple onions and you will cut into thin 1/2 ring size.
Next you will add all of your onions into a bowl and add salt to taste.
And just like that Poderosa you have your delicious Cebollas Curtidas. Enjoy!

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