Chilito Picosito Tatemado

Chilito Picosito Tatemado

Mi Poderosa is there such a thing of knowing how to make too many salsas? Yea no never! This salsita tatemada is so good you will want to drink it. It has the perfect kick!

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)

10 minutes

Cook Time (Minutes)

2 minutes

Total Time (minutes)

12 minutes


Enjoy all you want


15 tomatillos

20 chile puya

3-5 garlic cloves


Avocado oil



Stick to the ingredients Poderosa and don't replace the chile puya with another type of dried Chile.


Here are your main ingredients. Here is the key. You need to boil tomatillos to look extra ripe like they want to explode. With your chile puya you are going to fry them in avocado oil. You want to fry them so they can get a very dark color.

You will add your tomatillos, chiles (without adding extra oil from the pan), garlic loves (as much as you like), and water. Blend for at least 2 minutes. If the salsa is not the consistency you like, add more water.

And just like that Poderosa you have this delicious salsita. Enjoy

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