Baked Chilaquiles Verdes

Baked Chilaquiles Verdes

Confession: one of my most favorite dishes that I can have for breakfast every single day are chilaquiles. I love the simplicity and the versatility that they are. You can eat them by themselves, with a taco, or even pair them with some eggs. I love making these with salsa verde because they do not come out spicy at all! Enjoy these baked chilaquiles!

# of Ingredients

see list

Prep Time (Minutes)


Cook Time (Minutes)


Total Time (minutes)



a good 2 large spoonful (cooking spoon) will count as your carb serving. We do not want to count nor weigh our foods our entire lives. Lets get mindful


  1. Salsa verde (see green salsa recipe)
  2. Corn tortillas (carbs)
  3. Cheese (optional)
  4. Avocado nonstick spray



As you can see these are the main ingredients. Simple and direct to the point. You can make them with any salsa of choice but I love to make the green salsa in my recipes. The green salsa takes tomatillos, garlic cloves, and onion. If you want a kick to your salsa add 1-2 jalapenos. 

What you will do is you will get your corn tortillas, break apart, add to your baking sheet, and spray with avocado oil. So here is the trick to these tortillas: you leave them out for at least 3 days so they get hard. This way your chilaquiles do not come out very soft. You will then broil for 2 minutes or bake at 350 for 5 minutes. 

Now I know what you are thinking. These are some burnt tortillas lol but I love them like this. Make them to your liking. 

Last but not least you add your salsa verde to your chilaquiles and you serve. This is where you can add your cheese of choice. I added queso cotija because I love stinky cheese. 

And just like that you have your delicious baked chilaquiles verdes. Enjoy Poderosas.

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