

I don't know where to even begin with this recipe because it's very nostalgic and deep rooted but all I can tell you all is that the pictures say it all since they were taken in the moment with my phone. There was no time to do professional pictures with this recipe because the moment was well cherished. I was able to spend some quality time with my dad when I traveled back to California and we were able to make Uchepos together. He showed me exactly the same way my abuelita from Michoacan used to do them (with a little bit of improv). I was even more excited to learn that the molino (grinder) he used to grind the corn was handed down from my grandfather. And guess what? Now it's handed down to me. This molino has officially been in our family for 3 generations! Just imagine how many bellies it filled and intimate moments it experienced! I hope you enjoy these Uchepos as much as I did.

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)


Cook Time (Minutes)


Total Time (minutes)

2 hours


2 Uchepos will count as your carb serving.


  1. 15 sweet corn (carb)
  2. 1 tablespoon of salt
  3. 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  4. 1 box of corn Muffin Mix
  5. Milk secreted from Uchepos


I love that I will forever have images of my fathers hands! His campesinos hands tell a story and it's a reminder for myself how hard both of my parents worked to give up a better future. 


You will get all of your corn and chop the ends off

As you can see this is how your corn will look like. You can chop off the entire end of the corn or you can cut through the leaves. My dad likes to only cut the leaves (all around) instead of chop it all off because he likes to use as much corn as possible and not let any go to waste

You will then start peeling all of the leaves off of the corn and save the largest ones. What you want to do is as you peel each large leaf, Set it on your knee and let them sit/stretch out there. Once you cannot put any more on your knee just set them aside and start a new stack of large leaves. 

Once you have peeled all of your leaves off from your corns you will begin to cut off all of the kernel. 

You will repeat the entire process until you have cut all of the 15 corn. 

Next grab your corn and add to your molino and grind. The milk will secret from the back end of the molino so make sure you have something behind it to save all of the juices that will be secreted. If you don't have a molino you can add your kernel to a blender. You want to blend until your corn get a nice chunky consistency. Don't blend long enough until it gets too watery. 

Once you have blended/grinded all of your corn you will mix your tablespoon of salt, tablespoon of baking soda and add any extra juice that was secreted. We don't add extra sugar to our mix because with the sweet yellow corn.. Well that is already sweet enough and the salt added does not make it salty! 

You will then add your corn mix and mix thoroughly. 

Here is the good part! You will then get your leaves and add 2-4 spoonfuls (regular spoon size) to your leaves, fold both sides, and bend the bottom and add to your large pot. You will repeat the process until you have used up all of your corn mix. 

Side note: Use a tamalera pot for your uchepos so the steam cooks them. You don't want the Uchepos to literally sit at the bottom of the pot. 

You will then let them cook for 1:30. Make sure you check at 45 minutes into cooking there is still water at the bottom. If there is not enough water add more. You don't want to run out of water!

An hour ½ later you will have your tasty Uchepos! Enjoy Poderosas!

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