Taquito Salad

Taquito Salad

If you haven't heart, I freaken love Taco Bell! And yes I know it is not real Mexican food but I just love it so much! I could have it every week but for many obvious reasons I do not. I wanted to create a recipe that would give me my Taco Bell "taco salad" fix without the guilt and this does it. And to give me an even more Taco Bell experience I get all of my Fire sauce packages that I save and I add to this Taquito Salad. Anyways, enjoy this healthy low carb taco salad Poderosa.

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)

5 minutes

Cook Time (Minutes)

5 minutes

Total Time (minutes)

10 minutes


This salad will count as your protein, fat, carb, and veggie serving


1 package of extra lean ground turkey (protein)

1 iceberg lettuce (veggie)

Mexican blend cheese (fat)

Black beans (carbs)

Taco seasoning

Las Moradas (previous recipe)


You can use any carb serving of choice. I love black beans so this is one of my go to carbs. You can replace your carbs with your favorite. You can also get creative and do 1/2 cheese and 1/2 sour cream as your fat serving.


Here are your main ingredients. I used canned black beans, shredded Mexican cheese blend, and low sodium taco seasoning.
The first thing you will do is make your ground turkey. I like to add non-stick spray to pan and then add my ground turkey. Once the ground turkey is fully cooked you will add the entire low sodium taco seasoning and add 1/3 cup of water. you will put on low and let it simmer. In the mean time you can chop your iceberg lettuce.
This image is from the previous recipe of "Las Moradas". I love to add these to pretty much anything I eat but honestly these added to your Taquito salad is amazing.
This is what your final serving should look like (obviously you will add your personal touches). I added all the iceberg lettuce I wanted, 1/2 cup of black beans, 4 ounces of ground turkey or just do 2 big spoon fulls of the mix, serving of shredded Mexican cheese, and I topped it with a ton of "Lass Moradas"
And just like that Poderosa you have your delicious Taquito Salad

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