Ensalada de Pepino Y Mas

Ensalada de Pepino Y Mas

Podeosa you can't ever have enough veggies...EVER! This side salad, snack, antojo, mata hambre recipe is life! Enjoy!

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)

5 minutes

Cook Time (Minutes)

2 minutes

Total Time (minutes)

7 minutes


As much as you like and it can count as your veggies, salad, side salad, or just for fun ;)


2 chopped cucumbers

1 entire purple onion chopped

Big handful cherry tomatoes

4-6 limes


Chile de aceite de cacahuate (optional)


You can keep the cucumber peel on or peel off. I personally love without it! With your onion if you are an onion lover use the entire thing but if you don't love onion I recommend using half.


Here are your main ingredients Poderosa. The following pictures will show you the process of making this ensalada that is delicious. The pictures will explain it all.

Here is this optional step. After you have added your lime juice and salt (to taste), you can add 2 spoonfuls of chile de aceite. If you add the aceite it DOES NOT count as your fat serving (youre welcome). I highly recommend you try it out like this because it makes it that much better. Or you can opt out and just add your lime and salt.

And just like that you have this declicious ensaladita mi Poderosa. Enjoy!

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