Tortilla Cheese Wrap

Tortilla Cheese Wrap

I hoipe you are ready for this delicious tortilla cheese wrap Poderosa. Every bite is full of flavor and comfort. Best part? Fast and easy!

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)

10 minutes

Cook Time (Minutes)

2 minutes

Total Time (minutes)

12 minutes


One wrap will count as your protein, carb, and fats. It can also count as your veggies BUT you can still have a side salad of choice or any side veggies of choice.


Low carb tortilla

Mozzarella wrap

Tomato pesto sauce


Chicken breast (4 ounces)

Feta cheese (optional)


You can opt out of feta cheese and replace it with more mozzarella or skip it in general. I highly suggest you add more veggies of your choice. Purple onion goes well with this wrap!


Here are your main ingredients Poderosa. As I mentioned above, you can opt out of feta cheese and add more mozzarella cheese if you wish. Just be mindful that is it. The chicken I used is the blacked chicken breast strips. I bought those at Costco and they are delicious.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of tomato pesto to your tortilla and ass your mozzarella cheese to it.

You will then add the remainder of the ingredients. I recommend adding more veggies of your choice. It will taste extra delicious with a variety of veggies. You will then wrap and grill. I used a panini mini grill but you can use any grill of choice or even a comal.

And just like that hermosa you have this delicious Tortilla Cheese Wrap. Enjoy

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