La Puya

La Puya

Have you ever met someone that said they know too many salsas? Nope... me either! This salsa is a must have in my home! Just warning you, you will want to drink it!

# of Ingredients


Prep Time (Minutes)

6 minutes

Cook Time (Minutes)

10 minutes

Total Time (minutes)

15 minutes


As much as you like


12 small tomatillos

1/2 white onion

4-6 garlic cloves

2 roma tomatoes


2-3 cups of water



Here are your main ingredients Poderosa. As you can see I have boiled my 12 tomatillos. I also have toasted my chiles puya on my comal. I toasted both sides and let me tell you, I was coughing my lungs out :)

You will get all of your ingreidntes and add to your blender with 2-3 cups of water and salt to taste. You blend to get the consistency you like. I always blend for at least 5 minutes.

And just like that you have your salsita puya enjoy!

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